Speech Title:人工智能在教育的应用议题与研究设计
Speaker: 黄国禎教授 台中教育大学 讲座教授兼副校长
Speech Abstract:
Speaker Bio:
黄国禎教授是台中教育大学 讲座教授 兼 副校长。黄教授的学术专长包括行动与泛在学习、遊戏化学习、翻转学习及人工智慧教育应用。曾主持150多个专案计画,并多次获得研究奖励,包括2007、2010及2013年「科技部杰出研究奖」,更获得2015年「杰出资讯人才奖」及2019年「教育部师鐸奖」。在2022年,获得国科会杰出特约研究员的殊荣。
黄教授已发表超过800篇的论文,其中有超过400篇发表在SSCI期刊。他曾担任50多个SSCI/SCI 学术期刊的论文审查委员/编辑委员/客座编辑/主编。目前担任 Computers & Education: Artificial Intelligence (Scopus, Q1; EI), International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organisation (Scopus, Q1; ESCI) 及Journal of Computers in Education (ESCI, Scopus Q1)主编;同時,也担任IEEE Transactions on Education (SCI)副主编。
Speech Title:协作学习的多模态学习分析:希望与挑战
Speaker: 陈文莉 南洋理工大学
Speech Abstract:
Speaker Bio:
陈文莉博士现为新加坡南洋理工大学国立教育学院学习科学与评量学部主任,副教授。陈文莉多年来深耕于计算机支持的协作学习与学习分析领域的研究与实践,近20次在各国际会议获得最佳论文奖。她2021年荣获亚太计算机教育应用学会“杰出研究者奖”,是南洋理工大学最高教育奖项“南洋教育奖”得主。陈教授在2016至2021年担任国际学习科学学会计算机支持的协作学习委员会联合主席,她目前担任亚太教育计算机学会和全球华人教育计算机学会的执行委员。她曾担任2022年国际计算机支持的协作学习会议、2017年国际计算机教育应用会议与2014年全球华人计算机教育应用大会的议程委员会主席,以及2016年国际学习科学会议和2012年国际计算机教育应用会议的组织委员会主席。目前,陈教授担任Journal of Computers in Education (Scopus, Q1; ESCI)和Learning: Research and Practice (Scopus, Q2)两本期刊的主编,也是Instructional Science (Scopus, Q1; SSCI)、 Asia Pacific Journal of Education (Scopus, Q2; SSCI) ,和 Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning (Scopus, Q1)三本期刊的副主编。此外,她还是International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (Scopus, Q1; SSCI)的编委。
Speech Title:
The role of emerging technologies in 21st century education: Supporting multidisciplinary inquiry communities
Speaker: Jim Slotta, University of Toronto, Professor, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, Department of Curriculum, Teaching and Learning
Speech Abstract:
This talk will explore recent trends in technology, media, and information, including a discussion of advances in artificial intelligence, physical computing, and classroom portal technologies. I will discuss the importance of fostering 21st-century competencies, and the need for education to prepare students as citizens, critical thinkers, problem, solver, and communicators. I will present recent advances in my own research of the Critical Action Learning Exchange (CALE), including a review of recent collaborations with teachers in South China. I will also discuss the importance of developing inquiry-oriented learning environments, including an important role for the physical and social classroom environments. I will argue that 21st century technologies are best suited for new forms of 21st century learning, and that we have new opportunities to care for all students, as they form identities as learners and future citizens.
Speaker Bio:
Jim Slotta is Professor and President's Chair in Knowledge Technologies and Education at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto. Since 2005, Dr. Slotta has led a team of students, designers and developers to investigate new models of collaborative and collective inquiry. These studies have advanced a pedagogical model known as Knowledge Community and Inquiry (KCI), in which students and teachers collaborate as a learning community to engage in STEM inquiry projects. Slotta currently directs the ENCORE lab (http://encorelab.org) in which KCI curriculum and technology environments are developed and researched. From 2006 - 2011, Slotta served as Canada Research Chair in Education and Technology, serving as PI or co-I on more than 30 funded projects and supervising 20 doctoral and post-doctoral researchers. In 2019, Slotta launched the Critical Action Learning Exchange (CALE), where teachers develop, exchange and discuss competency-centered curriculum that empowers students as learners, providing meaning and purpose to their schooling experience and scaffolding their formation of learner and career identity.
Speech Title:教学大数据应用与教学变革
Speaker: 罗生全,教授,博士生导师。西南大学教育教师学院院长。
Speech Abstract:
Speaker Bio:
罗生全,教授,博士生导师。西南大学教育教师学院院长。国家级人才称号获得者,全国课程学术委员会副秘书长,中国教育学会中小学综合实践分会常务理事,教育部基础教育教学指导委员会综合实践活动指导专委会委员,重庆市教育学会智慧教学专业委员会理事长,《Future in Educational Research》国际期刊主编全国“最具影响力青年学者”入围者。重庆市“巴渝学者”特聘教授。重庆市哲学社会科学领军人才。重庆市学术技术带头人。重庆市青年专家工作室领衔专家。美国密歇根州立大学和英国伦敦大学学院访问学者。主要研究教育学原理、教师教育和课程与教学论。在《光明日报》《教育研究》等报刊上发表学术论文200余篇,《教育研究》9篇,《新华文摘》长文转载4篇;主持国家社科基金项目3项(其中重点1项),国际合作项目1项,省部级项目20余项;出版和编撰《新课程下的教学方式转变》《学业负担论纲》《学业负担问题解决:模型建构与治理机制》等学术著作十余部;获得教育部高等学校科学研究(人文社会科学)优秀成果奖一等奖、国家级教学成果奖、“明远教育奖”、钱学森城市学(教育)金奖提名奖、重庆市社会科学优秀成果奖、重庆市教学成果奖一等奖和二等奖等10余项。主要研究教育基本理论、基础教育课程改革、教材建设、教师专业发展等。