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C5 Technology Enhanced Language and Humanities Learning

The focus of our sub-conference is Technology Enhanced Language and Humanities Learning. Cutting-edge technologies, such as the intelligence technology, can be used to provide an adaptive and personalized learning environment for language and humanities learning. Network technologies and smartphones afford interactions and communications that transcend time and space. Smart terminals such as tablets can become learners' electronics learning partners. The full integration of these technologies into language and humanities disciplines can effectively promote students' learning, enhance their interest in learning, and improve teaching efficiency. The purpose of this sub-conference is to (but not limited to) provide a platform for open and diverse communication, wherein Chinese scholars from around the world can share their knowledge and teaching and research experience and engage in discussion of various topics related to using technologies in the teaching of various languages, history, culture, arts, citizenship, 21st century skills, moral education, etc. We seek to enhance participants’ understanding of the latest trends and strategies of the new era and encourage exploration of future research collaboration directions.

The scope of paper submissions will cover but not be limited to the following topics

1.Theoretical foundation

2.Learning strategy and learning style investigation

3.Instructional design and application (e.g., flipped teaching, MOOCs, micro-lectures, etc.)

4.Blended instruction

5.Application of artificial intelligence technology

6.Mobile learning and seamless learning

7.Development of instructional resources and content

8.Development and application of software and hardware technologies

9.Assessment and evaluation

10.Big data analytics

11.Design-Based Research and Action Research

12.Teachers’ professional development

13.Applications in informal learning

14.The impact of culture and language on learning (e.g., intercultural academic communication)

15.Research on relevant policies and history

Paper submission instructions

Only complete manuscript submissions (including long, short, and poster papers) will be considered. Abstract submissions will not be considered. We implement the double-blind review policy, i.e., paper reviews are conducted without sharing the author and reviewer names. Therefore, for review purpose, please remove the author information (from the title, body, and references of the paper) during paper submission. If a paper is accepted, the final submission should include the relevant author information.

Since 2020, the nine sub-conferences of GCCCE only solicit papers written in Chinese. Therefore, submissions to this sub-conference should be composed in Chinese (Long paper: 8 pages; Short paper: 4 pages; Poster: 2 pages). The title, abstract, and keywords written in both Chinese and English should be provided in a Chinese submission. The submission should be uploaded in pdf onto the Submission System of the conference: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=gccce2024

All the manuscripts written in English, regardless of their themes, shall be submitted to the English Paper Track. At least one of the authors of the accepted submission should complete the conference registration and attend the conference to present the paper.  

Sub-Conference Program Committee:

Sub-Conference Executive Chair

Zhenzhen Chen           Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications

Sub-Conference Co-Chairs

Jiyou Jia                               Peking University  

Billy WONG Tak Ming       Hong Kong Metropolitan University

Chiou-Hui  Chou                National Tsing Hua University

Weichao Chen                   Independent researcher (USA)

Shiying Liu       Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications